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Voter list search

Voter list search 

Search your name in voter list through chief electoral office – Andhra Pradesh. Here you may search total voter list your polling station or search  you name exist or not in polling station. If not exist in your vote you may enroll from this site . If you want to search through SMS follow the below formats.

Search your aadhar card 

ECI <EPIC Number> 1 (1 for local language or 0/null for English) To check the name in voter list (Example: ECI ABC1234567 send to 1950)

ECIPS <EPIC Number> 1 (1 for local language or 0/null for English) To check the polling station of the voter

ECOCONTACT <EPIC Number> 1 (1 for local language or 0/null for English) To check the contact number

If you want to search your vote through online use the below link and follow the instructions . in this search you did not remember EPIC id , you just enter the name of the voter , Father name, age or date of birth , Gender, state, District, and Assembly constituency.

Search your name in voter list 

Search you name through SMS

Search for PDF electoral Rolls

Enroll your name 


Updated: March 20, 2020 — 7:42 am
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