By | September 29, 2021

B.A,B.Com, B.Sc, B.C.A and B.B.A Programmes

w.e.f 2020-21 SEMESTER – I



Syllabus of


Total 30 hrs (02h/wk)              02 Credits              Max Marks :50

Learning Outcomes:

By successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Acquire necessary skills/hand on experience/ working knowledge on multimeters, galvanometers, ammeters, voltmeters, ac/dc generators, motors, transformers, single phase and three phase connections, basics of electrical wiring with electrical protection
  2. Understand the working principles of different household domestic
  3. Check the electrical connections at house-hold but will also learn the skill to repair the electrical appliances for the general troubleshoots and wiring


UNIT-I                                                (6 hrs)

Voltage, Current, Resistance, Capacitance, Inductance, Electrical conductors and Insulators, Ohm’s law, Series and parallel combinations of resistors, Galvanometer, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Multimeter, Transformers, Electrical energy, Power, Kilowatt hour (kWh), consumption of electrical power

UNIT-II                                   (10 hrs)

Direct current and alternating current, RMS and peak values, Power factor, Single phase and three phase connections , Basics of House wiring , Star and delta connection , Electric shock, First aid for electric shock, Overloading , Earthing and its necessity, Short circuiting , Fuses , MCB , ELCB, Insulation, Inverter, UPS

UNIT-III                                   (10 hrs)

Principles of working, parts and servicing of Electric fan, Electric Iron box, Water heater; Induction heater, Microwave oven; Refrigerator, Concept of illumination, Electric bulbs, CFL, LED lights, Energy efficiency in electrical appliances, IS codes & IE codes.

Co-curricular Activities (Hands on Exercises): (04 hrs)

[Any four of the following may be taken up]

  1. Studying the electrical performance and power consumption of a given number of bulbs connected in series and parallel
  2. Measuring parameters in combinational DC circuits by applying Ohm’s Law for different resistor values and voltage sources
  3. Awareness of electrical safety tools and rescue of person in contact with live
  4. Checking the specific gravity of lead acid batteries in home UPS and topping-up with distilled
  5. Identifying Phase, Neutral and Earth on power
  6. Identifying primary and secondary windings and measuring primary and secondary voltages in various types of
  7. Observing the working of transformer under no-load and full load
  8. Observing the response of inductor and capacitor with DC and AC
  9. Observing the connections of elements and identify current flow and voltage
  10. Studying electrical circuit protection using MCBs, ELCBs
  11. Assignments, Model exam

Reference Books:

  1. A Text book on Electrical Technology, B.L.Theraja, S.Chand& ,
  2. A Text book on Electrical Technology, K.Theraja.
  3. Performance and design of AC machines, M.G.Say, ,
  4. Handbook of Repair & Maintenance of domestic electronics appliances; BPB Publications
  5. Consumer Electronics, S.P.Bali, Pearson
  6. Domestic Appliances Servicing, K.P.Anwer, Scholar Institute Publications

* NOTE : Preferred teaching Department is Physics

