1. Explain about Software Engineering Process Paradigms (Models)
- The Waterfall Model
- Prototype Model
- Incremental Process Models
- Rapid application development model (RAD)
- Spiral Model
2. Risk management
3.What is project scheduling? Explain different techniques for project scheduling?
4. Explain the Requirement Engineering?
5. Explain the feasibility study?
6. Explain the Analysis Model?
7. Explain the Effective modular design?
8. Explain the Architectural design and Procedural design?
9. Explain the Reverse Engineering and Re-engineering.
10. Explain the CASE TOOL.
11. Explain the Black Box testing?
12. Explain the Path testing(White Box testing) ?
13. Explain the Quality metrics?
14. Explain the Software Quality Assurance?
15. Explain the User interface design?