By | September 29, 2021

B.A,B.Com, B.Sc, B.C.A and B.B.A Programmes

w.e.f 2020-21 SEMESTER – I




Total 30 hrs (02 h/wk                                    02 Credits                             Max 50 Marks

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Understand the historical background and role Public Relations in various areas
  2. Have insight into the use of the technological advancements in Public Relations
  3. Comprehend tools of Public Relations in order to develop the required
  4. Understand the ethical aspects and future of Public Relations in India
  5. Develop writing skills for news papers and creation of



Public Relations-Meaning, Definition, Nature and Scope, Historical Background, Technological and Media Revolution and Role in Business, Government, Politics, NGOs and Industry. 6 Hrs


Concepts of Public Relations-Press, Publicity, Lobbying, Propaganda, Advertising, Sales Promotion and Corporate Marketing Services, Tools of Public Relations- Press Conferences, Meets, Press Releases, Announcements, Webcasts 10Hrs


Public Relations-Meaning, Definition, Nature and Scope, Historical Background, Technological and Media Revolution and Role in Business, Government, Politics, NGOs and Industry.                                                                            6 Hrs

Co-curricular Activities Suggested:                   04 Hrs

  1. Invited lecture by local field expert/eminent personality on Public Relations
  2. Visit to Press
  3. Opinion Survey, Media Survey and Feedback
  4. Case Studies
  5. Organising mock press conferences, exhibitions
  6. Assignments, Group discussion, Quiz

Reference Books:

  1. Brown, Rob, Public Relations and the Social Web, Kogan Page India, New Delhi,
  2. Cutlipscottetal, Effective Public Relations, London,
  3. Black Sam, Practical Public Relations, Universal Publishers,
  4. M.Sardana, Public Relations: Theory and Practice.
  5. V.Vilanilam, Public Relations in India: New Tasks and Responsibilities, SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi2011.
  6. Websites on Public

* NOTE : Preferred teaching Department is Political Science/ English