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II Semester


Course Code : C2-P                                         


Hours: 30

Credits: 1


  1. Write a program to read ‘N’ numbers of elements into an array and alsoperform the following operation on an array
    1. Add an element at the beginning of an array
    2. Insert an element at given index of array
    3. Update a element using a values and index
    4. Delete an existing element
  2. Write a program using stacks to convert a given either one of the following
    1. postfix expression to prefix
    2. prefix expression to postfix
    3. infix expression to postfix
  3. Write Programs to implement the Stack operations using an array
  4. Write Programs to implement the Stack operations using Liked
  5. Write Programs to implement the Queue operations using an
  6. Write Programs to implement the Queue operations using Liked
  7. Write a program for arithmetic expression
  8. Write a program for Binary Search Tree Traversals
  9. Write a program to implement dequeue using a doubly linked
  10. Write a program to search an item in a given list using the following Searching Algorithms
    1. Linear Search
    2. Binary
  11. Write a program for implementation of the following Sorting Algorithms
    1. Bubble Sort
    2. Quick Sort
  12. Write a program for implementation of the following Sorting Algorithms
    1. Insertion Sort
    2. Merge Sort
  13. Write a program for polynomial addition using single linked list
  14. Write a program to implement Depth First Search graph traversals algorithm
  15. Write a program to implement Breadth First Search graph traversals algorithm
Updated: October 10, 2021 — 8:22 pm
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