VSU Second Semester 2021 Previous Papers

VSU Second Semester 2021 Previous Papers SEM-II ENGLISH Second Semester Telugu November 2021 SEM-II Hindi SEM-II LSC INFORMATION COMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SEM-II SDC BUSINESS COMMUNICATION SEM-II SDC Advertising SEM-II MATHEMATICS SEM-II STATISTICS WM SEM-II Data structures using C SEM-II Financial Accounting SEM-II Business Economics SEM-II E commerce and Web designing  

AKNU Third Semester Physics important Questions

AKNU Third Semester Physics important Questions Unit-1 What is the maxwell’s law of distribution of molecular speeds in a gas? Describe the experiment to prove it.(Tooth wheel experiment). Define coefficient of viscosity on the basis of kinetic theory gases. Derive an expression for the coefficient ofviscosity. Define coefficient of thermal conductivity on the basis of… Read More »