By | September 30, 2021


PAPER – I: ANIMAL DIVERSITY – BIOLOGY OF NONCHORDATES HOURS:60                      (5X12)                             Max. Marks: 100


  • Principles of Taxonomy – Binomial nomenclature – Rules of nomenclature
  • Whittaker’s five kingdom concept and classification of Animal

Phylum Protozoa

  • General Characters and classification of protozoa up to classes w ith suitable examples
  • Locomotion in Protozoans
  • Elphidium (type study)

UNIT –II Phylum Porifera

  • General characters and classification up to classes with suitable examples
  • Skelton in Sponges
  • Canal system in sponges

Phylum Coelenterata

  • General characters and classification up to classes with suitable examples
  • Metagenesis in Obelia
  • Polymorphism in coelenterates
  • Corals and coral reefs

UNIT – III : PhylumPlatyhelminthes

  • General characters and classification up to classes with suitable examples
  • Life cycle and pat hogenecity of Fasciola hepatica
  • Parasitic Adaptations in helminthes

Phylum Nemathelminthes

  • General characters and classification up to classes with suitable examples
  • Life cycle and pat hogenecity of Ascarislumbricoides

UNIT – IV : Phylum Annelida

  • General characters and classification up to classes with suitable examples
  • Evolution of Coelom and Coelomoducts
  • Vermiculture – Scope, significance, earthworm species, processing , Vermicompost, economic importance of vermicompost

Phylum Arthropoda

  • General characters and classification up to classes with suitable examples
  • Respiration in Arthropoda

4.7      Peripatus – Structure and affinities

UNIT – V: Phylum Mollusca

  • General characters and classification up to classes with suitable examples
  • Pearl formation in Pelecypoda
  • Sense organs in Mollusca

Phylum Echinodermata

  • General characters and classification up to classes with suitable examples
  • Water vascular system in star fish
  • Larval forms of Echinodermata

Phylum Hemichordata

  • General characters and classification up to classes with suitable examples
  • Balanoglossus – Structure and affinities

Co-curricular activities (suggested)

  • Preparation of chart/model of phylogenic tree of life, 5-kingdom classification,Elphidium life cycle etc.
  • Visit to Zoology museum or Coral island as part of Zoological tour
  • Charts on life cycle of Obeli a, polymorphism, sponge spicules
  • Clay models of canal system in sponges
  • Preparation of charts on life cycles of Fasciolaand Ascaris
  • Visit to adopted village and conducting awareness campaign on diseases, to people as part of Social
  • Plaster-of-paris or Thermocol model of Peripatus
  • Construction of a vermicom post in each college, manufacture of manure by students and donating to local farmers
  • Models of compound eye, bee hive and terminarium (termitaria) by students
  • Visit to apiculture centre an d short-term training as part of apprenticeship p rogramme of the govt. Of Andhra Pradesh
  • Chart on pearl forming layer s using clay or Thermocol
  • Visit to a pearl culture rearing industry/institute
  • Live model of water vascular system
  • Phylogeny chart on echinoderm larvae and their evolutionary significance
  • Preparation of charts depicting the feeding mechanism, 3 coeloms, tornaria larva etc., of



  1. H. Hyman The Invertebrates’ Vol I, II and V. – M.C. Graw Hill Company Ltd.
  2. Kotpal, R.L. 1988 – 1 992 Protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterata, Helminthes, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata. Rastogi Publications,
  3. L. Jordan and P.S. Verma ‘Invertebrate Zoology’ S. Chand and Company.
  4. D. Barnes Invertebrate Zoology’ by: W.B. Saunders CO., 1986.
  5. E.J.W., ‘Invertebrate structure and Function’ by ELBS.
  6. P.S. Dhami and J.K. Dhami. Invertebrate Zoology. S. Chand and Co. New Delhi.
  1. Parker, T.J. and Has wellA text book of Zoology’ by, W.A., Mac Millan London.
  2. Barnes, R.D. (1982). Invertebrate Zoology, V Edition”