By | October 13, 2021



Practicals – Paper –III

Note: Minimum of 10 practicals should be done

  1. Large sample test for single mean
  2. Large sample test for difference of means
  3. Large sample test for single proportion
  4. Large sample test for difference of proportions
  5. Large sample test for difference of standard deviations
  6. Large sample test for correlation coefficient
  7. Small sample test for single mean
  8. Small sample test for difference of means 9.Small sample test for correlation coefficient
  9. Paired t-test(paired samples).
  10. Small sample test for single variance(χ 2 – test )
  11. Small sample test for difference of variances(F-test)
  12. χ 2 – test for goodness of fit and independence of attributes
  13. Sign test for two samples
  14. Run test for two samples
  15. Median test for two independent samples

Note: Training shall be on establishing formulae in Excel cells and deriving the results. The excel output shall be exported to MS Word for writing inferences.

Course Learning Outcomes

The students will acquire

  • Concept of law large numbers and their uses
  • Concept of central limit theorem and its uses in statistics
  • concept of random sample from a distribution, sampling distribution of a statistic, standard error of important estimates such as mean and proportions,
  • knowledge about important inferential aspects such as point estimation, test of hypotheses and associated concepts,
  • knowledge about inferences from Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions as illustrations,
  • concept about non-parametric method and some important non- parametric tests.