Practical Course V:Modern Physics

By | October 13, 2021


For Mathematics Combinations

Practical Course V:Modern Physics

Work load: 30 hrs                                                                                          2 hrs/week


On successful completion of this practical course, the student will be able to;

  • Measure charge of an electron ande/m value of an electron by Thomson
  • Understand how the Planck’s constant can be determined using Photocell and
  • Study the absorption of α-rays and β-rays, Range of β-particles and the characteristics of GM counter
  • Determine the Energy gap of a semiconductor using thermistor and junction

Minimum of 6 experiments to be done and recorded

  1. e/m of an electron by Thomson
  2. Determination of Planck’s Constant (photocell).
  3. Verification of inverse square law of light using photovoltaic
  4. Determination of the Planck’s constant using LEDs of at least 4 different
  5. Determination of work function of material of filament of directly heated vacuum diode.
  6. Study of absorption of α-rays.
  7. Study of absorption of β-rays.
  8. Determination of Range of β-particles.
  9. Determination of M &
  10. Analysis of powder X-ray diffraction pattern to determine properties of
  11. Energy gap of a semiconductor using junction
  12. Energy gap of a semiconductor using the rmistor
  13. GM counter characteristics



  • Assignments (in writing and doing forms on the aspects of syllabus content and outside the syllabus content. Shall be individual and challenging)
  • Student seminars (on topics of the syllabus and related aspects (individual activity)
  • Quiz (on topics where the content can be compiled by smaller aspects and data (Individuals or groups as teams))
  • Field studies (individual observations and recordings as per syllabus content and related areas (Individual or team activity)
  • Study projects (by very small groups of students on selected local real-time problems pertaining to syllabus or related areas. The individual participation and contribution of students shall be ensured (team activity)


  • Group Discussion
  • Visit to Research Stations/laboratories and related industries
  • Others


Some of the following suggested assessment methodologies could be adopted;

  • The oral and written examinations (Scheduled and surprise tests),
  • Practical assignments and laboratory reports,
  • Efficient delivery using seminar presentations,
  • Viva voce