Object oriented programming using java

By | October 10, 2021



Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore with effect from 2020-21 Academic Year


To introduce the fundamental concepts of Object-Oriented programming and to design & implement object oriented programming concepts in Java.

Course Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course student will:

  1. Understand the benefits of a well-structured program
  2. Understand different computer programming paradigms
  3. Understand underlying principles of Object-Oriented Programming in Java
  4. Develop problem-solving and programming skills using OOP concepts
  5. Develop the ability to solve real-world problems through software development in high- level programming language like Java


Introduction to Java: Features of Java, The Java virtual Machine, Parts of Java. Naming Conventions and Data Types: Naming Conventions in Java, Data Types in Java, Literals, Type Casting. Operators in Java: Operators, Priority of Operators. Control Statements in Java: if… else Statement, do… while Statement, while Loop, for Loop, switch Statement, break Statement, continue Statement, return Statement. Input and Output: Accepting Input from the Keyboard, Reading Input with Java.util.Scanner Class, Displaying Output with System.out.printf(), Displaying Formatted Output with String.format(). Arrays: Types of Arrays, Three Dimensional Arrays (3D array), arrayname.length, Command Line Arguments.


Strings: Creating Strings, String Class Methods, String Comparison, Immutability of Strings. Introduction to OOPs: Problems in Procedure Oriented Approach, Features of Object- Oriented Programming System (OOPS). Classes and Objects: Object Creation, Initializing the Instance Variables, Access Specifiers, Constructors. Methods in Java: Method Header  or Method Prototype, Method Body, Understanding Methods, Static Methods, Static Block, The keyword ‘this’, Instance Methods, Passing Primitive Data Types to Methods, Passing Objects to Methods, Passing Arrays to Methods, Recursion, Factory Methods

Inheritance: Inheritance, The keyword ‘super’, The Protected Specifier, Types of Inheritance


Polymorphism: Polymorphism with Variables, Polymorphism using Methods, Polymorphism with Static Methods, Polymorphism with Private Methods, Polymorphism with Final Methods, final Class. Abstract Classes: Abstract Method and Abstract Class. Interfaces: Interface, Multiple Inheritance using Interfaces. Packages: Package, Different Types of Packages, The JAR Files, Interfaces in a Package, Creating Sub Package in a Package, Access Specifiers in Java, Creating API Document Exception Handling: Errors in Java Program, Exceptions, throws Clause, throw Clause, Types of Exceptions, Re – throwing an Exception


Threads: Single Tasking, Multi Tasking, Uses of Threads, Creating a Thread and Running it, Terminating the Thread, Single Tasking Using a Thread, Multi Tasking Using Threads, Multiple Threads Acting on Single Object, Thread Class Methods, Deadlock of Threads, Thread Communication, Thread Priorities, thread Group, Daemon Threads, Applications of Threads, Thread Life Cycle


Applets: Creating an Applet, Uses of Applets, <APPLET> tag, A Simple Applet, An Applet with Swing Components, Animation in Applets, A Simple Game with an Applet, Applet Parameters

Java Database Connectivity: Database Servers, Database Clients, JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), Working with Oracle Database, Registering the Driver, Connecting to a Database, Preparing SQL Statements, Using jdbc–odbc Bridge Driver to Connect to Oracle Database, Stored Procedures and Callable Statements, Types of Result Sets


  1. Core Java: An Integrated Approach, Authored by Dr. R. Nageswara Rao &Kogent Learning Solutions
  2. Balaguruswamy, Programming with JAVA, A primer, 3e, TATA McGraw- Hill Company.
  3. John R. Hubbard, Programming with Java, Second Edition, Schaum’s outlineSeries, TMH.
  4. Deitel & Deitel. Java TM: How to Program, PHI (2007)


(Co-curricular activities shall not promote copying from textbook or from others work and shall encourage self/independent and group learning)

A. Measurable

  1. Assignments (in writing and doing forms on the aspects of syllabus content and outside the syllabus content. Shall be individual and challenging)
  2. Student seminars (on topics of the syllabus and related aspects (individual activity))
  3. Quiz (on topics where the content can be compiled by smaller aspects and data (Individuals or groups as teams))
  4. Study projects (by very small groups of students on selected local real-time problems pertaining to syllabus or related areas. The individual participation and contribution of students shall be ensured (team activity

B. General

  1. Group Discussion
  2. Try to solve MCQ’s available
  3. Others


Some of the following suggested assessment methodologies could be adopted;

  1. The oral and written examinations (Scheduled and surprise tests),
  2. Closed-book and open-book tests,
  3. Programming exercises,
  4. Practical assignments and laboratory reports,
  5. Observation of practical skills,
  6. Individual and group project
  7. Efficient delivery using seminar presentations,
  8. Viva voce
  9. Computerized adaptive testing, literature surveys and evaluations,
  10. Peers and self-assessment, outputs form individual and collaborative work

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