Networks & Internet concepts

By | August 12, 2019

Networks & Internet concepts

  1. One advantage of dial up internet access is à it utilizes existing telephone line
  2. Net work components are connected to the same cable in the bush
  3. Office LANS that are spread geographically apart on a large scale can be connected using corporate à WAN
  4. When the pointer is positioned on a Hyperlink, it shaped like a hand.
  5. A device operating on physical layer is called a àRepeater
  6. Encryption and decryption are functions of à Session layer
  7. which type of switching uses the , entire capacity of a dedicated link àdata gram packet switching
  8. A permanent virtual circuit involves à Data transfer
  9. The sharing of medium and its path by 2 or more devices is called àMultiplexing
  10. Which multiplexing technique transmits analog signal àFDM
  11. 21 protocol consists of à Only physical layer
  12. Which of the following refers to the small single site network àLAN
  13. Computers connected to a LAN ( Local Area Network ) can à share information and/ or share peripheral devices
  14. Information travels between components on the motherboard throughàBUS
  15. The Hardware device that acts as both a switching and connecting units is called àMultiplexer
  16. What is the name of logic circuit which can add two binary digits à Half adder
  17. A collection of related fields in data organization is called àRegister
  18. The speed at which the monitor accepts data is called à Bandwidth
  19. A set of rules that computer on a network use to communicate with each other is called àProtocol
  20. The process of connecting to the internet account is àLOGIN
  21. The most important or powerful computer in a typical network is à Network server
  22. What is the example of connectivity àInternet
  23. Connections to the internet using a phone line and modem are called dial –up
  24. Personal computers can be connected together to form a à Network
  25. A word in a web page that, when clicked, opens another document is called à Hyperlink
  26. A web site address is a unique name that identifies a specific Link on the web.
  27. The communication device that allow the computer to access a network is called a modem
  28. Periodically adding, changing and deleting file records is called file àUpdating
  29. Coded entries which are used to gain access to a computer system is called à Passwords
  30. The network interface card enables your computer to connect to other computers.
  31. An example of telecommunication device is a àmodem
  32. The secret code that restricts entry to some program àPassword
  33. The vast network of computer that connects millions of people all over the world is calledàInternet
  34. You must install a Router son network if you want to share broadband internet connection
  35. A LAN typically connects personal computers with in a very limited geographical area with in a single building.
  36. A web site consists of one or more web pages located on a web server
  37. A computer virus is a set of program instructions that can attach itself of a file, reproduce itself and spread to others.
  38. Networks are monitored by security personnel and supervised by network administrators who set up account and passwords for authorized network users.
  39. Programs such as internet explorer that serve as navigable windows into the web are calledàweb browsers
  40. A website ‘s main page is called is its à Home page
  41. A network shares hardware, software and data among authorized users.
  42. Which type of resource is most likely to be a shared common resource in a computer network à Internet
  43. Web servers store and manages files for network users.
  44. The OSI model is divided into seven processes called layers.
  45. Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a à Network
  46. URL stands for à Uniform Resource Locator
  47. IT stands for à Information Technology
  48. A proxy server is used for à To process client request for web pages
  49. A network is a combination of hardware and software that facilitates the sharing of information between computing devices.
  50. Modems are devices used to transmit data over telecommunications lines.
  51. E – mail is à The transmission of message and files via a computer network.
  52. A web address is a unique name that identifies a specific web site on the web.
  53. A device that connects to network without the use of cables is said to be à Wireless
  54. The internet allows us to –
    1. Send electronic mail
    2. View web pages
    3. Connects to servers all around world.
  55. Most mail programs can automatically complete the following two parts in an E-mail –From and date
  56. An email address typically consists of user ID followed by the @ sign and the name of the email server that manages the user’s electronic post office box.
  57. To navigate to a new web page for which you know the URL, type that URL is browser’s Address bar and press enter.
  58. The process of computer receiving information from a server on the internet is known as à down loading
  59. When sending an email, the subject line describes the contents of the message.
  60. A web site address is unique name that identifies a specific link on the web.
  61. A router allows sharing of a broadband internet connection.
  62. What is internet explorer à a web browser
  63. Some of the web browsers are
    1. Internet explorer
    2. Mozilla firefox
    3. Sea monkey
    4. Google chrome
  64. Searching is the most popular internet activity
  65. A hit the term used when a search engine returns a web page that matches the search criteria.
  66. What are the four things to connect internet.
    1. Computer
    2. ISP ( Internet service provider)
    3. Modem
    4. Communication software
  67. A network is composed of several computers to connected together to share resources and data.
  68. A popular way to learn about computers without ever going to a class room is called à e- learning
  69. A person who uses his or her expertise to gain access to other people ‘s computers to get information illegally or do damage is a à hacker
  70. There are several primary categories of procedures. Which of the following is not a primary category of procedures à Firewall development
  71. Press ALT + D to move the insertion point to the address box, or to highlight the URL in the address box
  72. A markup language contains text as well as information about the text.
  73. A central computer that holds collection of data and programs for many PC’s, workstations and other computersà server
  74. Junk e-mail is also called à spam
  75. The communication device that allows the computer to access a network is called a network card.
  76. With dial up access the computers modem uses a standard telephone line to connect to the internet
  77. A collection computers and devices connected together via communications devices and transmission media is called a à network
  78. The internet is à a large network of networks
  79. What is the storage area for email messages is called àa mail box
  80. The software that allows users to serve the internet is called à Browser
  81. Advantages of mounting an application on the web
    1. The possibility of 24 hour access for users.
    2. Creating system that can extended globally
    3. Standardizing the design of the interface
  82. The issues that deal with the collections and use of data about individuals is privacy
  83. A term related to sending data to a satellite to à uplink
  84. Online documents containing underlined phrases or icons that a user can click in order to move immediately to related parts of the current document or to other documents with relative information are called à
  85. Physical security is concerned with protecting computer hardware from human tampering and natural disasters and Cyber security is concerned with the protecting software from unauthorized tampering or damage.
  86. Unauthorized copying of software to be used for personal gain instead of for personal backups is called à software piracy.
  87. Junk email is also called à spam
  88. What are the two parts of an e-mail address à user name and domain name
  89. Why should you delete unknown email attachments with out opening à it might contain a virus that could hurt your computer
  90. Which of the following software allows the user to move from page to page on the web by clicking on or selecting a hyperlink or by typing in the address of destination page à web browser
  91. A device which can be connected to a network without using cable is calledà wireless device
  92. The pieces of hardware that converts your computer’s digital signal to an analog signal that can travel over telephone lines is called a à modem
  93. To reload a web page press Refresh button
  94. The common name for modulator- demodulator is àmodem
  95. The term “host” with respect to the internet means à a computer that is connected to the internet
  96. What is the advantage of using basic HTML to create a document à HTML is very easy to use
  97. What is modem connected to à Phone line
  98. Which of the following is used by the browser to connect to the location of the internet resourcesàURL
  99. Most of the web sites have moving graphics called à animations
  100. DNS stands for à Domain Name System
  101. File transfer protocol is used for à downloading and uploading files
  102. Which of the following shows all the web sites and pages that are already visited over a period of timeàHistory list
  103. Hyperlink in a web document usually appears àUnderlined and colored
  104. Which of the following allows users to upload files to an online site so that they can be viewed and edited from another location àweb –hosted technology
  105. Which of the following can be used instead of remembering e-mail addressàAddress book
  106. ‘.exe’, ‘.html’, ‘.mp3’,’.doc’, etc are examples of à extensions
  107. Which of the following will be the common file extension for an installation fileà .exe
  108. Android is an à Mobile operating system
  109. Which of the slowest internet connection is àdial –up service
  110. DSL stands for à digital subscriber line
  111. Example of telecommunication device is àmodem
  112. The network connected several computers all over the world is àinternet
  113. Specialized programs that assists users in locating information on the web are calledàsearch engines
  114. A LAN typically connects personal computers with in a single building à
  115. A web site consists of one or more web pages located on a web server.
  116. E-commerce makes it possible for shoppers to make purchase using their computers
  117. Net works are monitored by security personal and supervised by network administrators who set up accounts and password for authorized network users.
  118. Programs such as internet explorer that server as navigation window into the web are called àweb browser
  119. Software piracy this is the act of copying or downloading a program from a network and making multiple copies of it.
  120. Radio, TV broadcasting comes under simplex transmission mode.
  121. When sending an email the subject line describes the contents of message.
  122. Which of the following will be used if a sender of an email wants to bold, italic etc the text message à rich text