MS Word

By | October 4, 2021

Computer Proficiency test for Employees

MS Word

  1. Microsoft office is  An application suite
  2. What menu is selected to print  File
  3. The name a user assigns the document is called  File name
  4. A menu contains commands that can be selected.
  5. Which type of file created by word processing programs document file
  6. What menu is selected to change font and style Format
  7. Files organized by storing them in Folders
  8. Computer programs are also known as applications
  9. To edit a document means make changes to its existing content.
  10. What is default extension for all word documents .Doc
  11. A template is a professionally designed “empty” document that can be adapted to the user needs.
  12. The physical arrangements of elements on a page is referred to as a document format
  13. It easier to change the name of the file using Renaming process
  14. In any window the maximize button, minimize and the close buttons are appear on  Title bar
  15. Text in a column generally aligned in  Justify
  16. The background of any word document  can have any color you choose
  17. In order to save an existing document with a different name you need to use the save as command
  18. The blinking point which shows your position in the text is called Cursor
  19. Data that copied from an application is stored in the Clipboard
  20. Changing an existing document is called  editing
  21. You can keep your files and folders My documents
  22. Which of the following can be used to select entire document  Ctrl+A
  23. To instruct word to fit the width of a column to the contents of a table automatically, click the Auto size button
  24. In word you can force a page break by positioning your cursor at the appropriate place and pressing ctrl+ Enter
  25. Help menu is available in which button Start
  26. By which of the following any part of a document can be seen on the screen  scrolling
  27. What do you see when you click the right mouse button  a special menu
  28. In order to choose the font for a sentence in a word document  select font in the format menu
  29. Editing document that has been means  correcting it
  30. In order to delete a sentence from a document you would see  highlight and delete
  31. To insert a page break in word document, the following option used  insert and break
  32. To see document before the printout is taken print preview
  33. To move data from one part of the document to another  cut and paste
  34. To save the document for the first time save option is used
  35. The basic types of graphics used in word 2000 are  auto shapes and clipart
  36. User can use spelling and grammar commands to search for and correct words in a document.
  37. The feature that keeps track of the right margin is  ragged right
  38. To specify margins in word , the user has to select page set up option from the file menu
  39. Keyboard shortcut are used to move the insertion point
  40. What does an electronic spreadsheet consists of  rows, columns, cells.
  41. Which of the following justification align the text on both the side – left and right – of margin  Justify
  42. Which of the following types of menus shows the further sub choices  Pull- down
  43. A font is a named set of characters that have the same characteristics.
  44. A template is predesigned document that already coordinating fonts, a layout and a background.
  45. To access properties of an object, the mouse technique is to use right clicking
  46. A menu bar of a software contains list of commands and options
  47. A file extension is established by the user to indicate the files content.
  48. Your position on the text is shown by  cursor
  49. Which key is used to delete one character to the left of the current position of the cursor Back space
  50. In word you can see use styles to  Format your document.