By | October 13, 2021


For Mathematics Combinations

[2020-21 Batch onwards]

II Year B.Sc.-Physics: IV Semester Course V: MODERN PHYSICS

Work load:60hrs per semester                                                                     4 hrs/week


Course outcomes:

On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  • Develop an understanding on the concepts of Atomic and Modern Physics, basic elementary quantum mechanics and nuclear
  • Develop critical understanding of concept of Matter waves and Uncertainty
  • Get familiarized with the principles of quantum mechanics and the formulation of Schrodinger wave equation and its
  • Examine the basic properties of nuclei, characteristics of Nuclear forces, salient features of Nuclear models and different nuclear radiation
  • Classify Elementary particles based on their mass, charge, spin, half life and interaction.
  • Get familiarized with the nano materials, their unique properties and
  • Increase the awareness and appreciation of superconductors and their practical applications.


  1. Atomic and Molecular Physics:(12 hrs)

Vector atom model and Stern-Gerlach experiment, Quantum numbers associated with it, Angular momentum of the atom, Coupling schemes, Spectral terms and spectral notations, Selection rules, Intensity rules, Fine structure of Sodium D-lines, Zeeman effect,  Experimental arrangement to study Zeeman effect; Raman effect, Characteristics of Raman effect,

Experimental arrangement to study Raman effect, Quantum theory of Raman effect, Applications of Raman effect.


  1. Matter waves & Uncertainty Principle: (12 hrs)

Matter waves, de Broglie’s hypothesis, Wave length of matter waves, Properties of matter waves, Davisson and Germer’s experiment, Phase and group velocities, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle for position and momentum& energy and time, Illustration of uncertainty principle using diffraction of beam of electrons (Diffraction by a single slit)and photons(Gamma ray microscope),Bohr’s principle of complementarity.


  1. Quantum (Wave) Mechanics:(12 hrs)

Basic postulates of quantum mechanics, Schrodinger time independent and time dependent wave equations-Derivations, Physical interpretation of wave function, Eigen functions, Eigen values, Application of Schrodinger wave equation to (i) one dimensional potential box of infinite height(Infinite Potential Well) and (ii) one dimensional harmonic oscillator


  1. Nuclear Physics:(12 hrs)

Nuclear Structure: General Properties of Nuclei, Mass defect, Binding energy; Nuclear forces: Characteristics of nuclear forces- Yukawa’s meson theory; Nuclear Models: Liquid drop model, The Shell model, Magic numbers; Nuclear Radiation detectors: G.M. Counter, Cloud chamber, Solid State detector; Elementary Particles: Elementary Particles and their classification


  1. Nano materials:(7hrs)

Nanomaterials – Introduction, Electron confinement, Size effect, Surface to volume ratio, Classification of nano materials– (0D, 1D, 2D); Quantum dots, Nano wires, Fullerene, CNT, Distinct properties of nano materials (Mention-mechanical, optical, electrical, and magnetic properties); Mention of applications of nano materials: (Fuel cells, Phosphors for HD TV, Next Generation Computer chips, elimination of pollutants, sensors)

6.   Superconductivity:                        (5 hrs)

Introduction to Superconductivity, Experimental results-critical temperature, critical magnetic field, Meissner effect , Isotope effect, Type I and Type II superconductors, BCS theory (elementary ideas only),Applications of superconductors


  • BSc Physics, Vol.4, Telugu Akademy, Hyderabad
  • Atomic Physics by J.B. Rajam; S.Chand& ,
  • Modern Physics by R. Murugeshan and Kiruthiga Siva Prasath. S. Chand &
  • Concepts of Modern Physics by Arthur Beiser. Tata McGraw-Hill
  • Nuclear Physics, D.C.Tayal, Himalaya Publishing
  • K. Kulkarni, Nanotechnology: Principles & Practices (Capital Publ.Co.)
  • K.Chattopadhyay&A.N.Banerjee, Nanoscience and Technology(PHI LearningPriv.Limited).
  • Nano materials, A K Bandopadhyay. New Age International Pvt Ltd (2007)
  • Textbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, BS Murthy, P Shankar, Baldev Raj,BB Rath and J Murday-Universities Press-IIM