By | October 13, 2021


[2020-21 Batch onwards]


(For Non-Maths Combinations)

Work load: 60 hrs per semester                                                                   4 hrs/week


Course outcomes:

On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  • Develop an understanding on the concepts of Atomic and Modern Physics, basic elementary quantum theory and nuclear
  • Develop critical understanding of concept of Matter waves and Uncertainty
  • Get familiarized with the phenomenon of photoelectric effect and Compton effect
  • Examine the basic properties of nuclei, characteristics of Nuclear forces, salient features of Nuclear models and different nuclear radiation
  • Classify Elementary particles based on their mass, charge, spin, half life and interaction.
  • Increase the awareness and appreciation of superconductors and their practical applications.
  • Develop an understanding on the nanomaterials, their properties and
  • Conduct experiments using skills appropriate to the units


  1. Atomic and Molecular Physics:(12 hrs)

Bohr’s theory of Hydrogen atom ; Spectral series of Hydrogen atom and energy levels, Zeeman effect –Experimental arrangement, Paschen- Back effect and Stark effect (Elementary ideas only); Raman effect, Quantum theory of Raman effect; Experimental arrangement to observe Raman effect and its applications.


  1. Fundamentals of Quantum theory:(12 hrs)

Inadequacy of classical physics, spectral radiation, Plank’s quantum theory, Photoelectric effect; Experimental demonstration, Laws of photoelectric emission- Threshold frequency and work function; Einstein’s Photoelectric equation and its verification by Millikan’s experiment ; Compton effect ( no derivation) and its experimental verification


  1. Matter Waves and Uncertainty principle (12 hrs)

Dual nature of radiation- de Broglie’s theory of matter waves, expression for wavelength, Properties of matter waves, Davisson and Germer experiment on electron diffraction – Discussion of results, Wave velocity and group velocity.

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle for position and momentum (x and p), energy and time (E and t); Experimental illustrations of uncertainty principle, Complementary principle of Bohr.


  1. Nuclear Physics (12 hrs)

Nuclear Structure: General Properties of Nuclei, Mass defect, Binding energy; Nuclear Models: Liquid drop model, The Shell model, Magic numbers; Nuclear Radiation detectors:

G.M. Counter, Cloud chamber, Solid State detector; Elementary Particles: Elementary Particles and their classification


  1. Nanomaterials:(7hrs)

Nanomaterials – Introduction, Electron confinement-Size effect-Surface to volume ratio; Classification of nano materials– (0D, 1D, 2D); Examples: CNT,

6.   Superconductivity:              (5 hrs)

Superconductivity: Introduction ;Experimental facts, critical temperature , critical field, Meissner effect ; Isotope effect ; Type I and type II superconductors ; BCS theory (Elementary ideas only) ;Applications of superconductors


  • Sc Physics, Vol.4, Telugu Academy, Hyderabad.
  • Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy by Aruldhas. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
  • Physics for Biology & Premedical Students –D.N. Burns & SG Mac Donald, Addison Wiley.
  • K. Kulkarni, Nanotechnology: Principles & Practices (Capital Publ.Co.)
  • K. Chattopadhyay and A. N. Banerjee, Introduction to Nanoscience and Technology(PHI Learning Priv.Limited).
  • Nano materials, A K Bandopadhyay. New Age International Pvt Ltd (2007)
  • Textbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, BS Murthy, P Shankar, BaldevRaj,BBRath and J Murday- Universities Press-IIM