Electricity, Magnetism and Electronics

By | October 13, 2021


For Mathematics Combinations

Practical Course IV: Electricity, Magnetism and Electronics

Work load: 30 hrs                                                                                          2 hrs/week


Course outcomes (Practicals):

On successful completion of this practical course the student will be able to;

  • Measure the current sensitivity and figure of merit of a moving coil
  • Observe the resonance condition in LCR series and parallel circuit
  • Learn how a sonometer can be used to determine the frequency of AC-supply.
  • Observe the variation of magnetic field along the axis of a circular coil carrying current using Stewart and Gee’s
  • Understand the operation of PN junction diode, Zener diode and a transistor and their V-I
  • Construct the basic logic gates, half adder and full adder and verify their truth tables. Further, the student will understand how NAND and NOR gates can be used as universal building

Minimum of 6 experiments to be done and recorded

  1. Figure of merit of a moving coil
  2. LCR circuit series/parallel resonance, Q
  3. Determination of ac-frequency –Sonometer.
  4. Verification of Kirchoff’s laws and Maximum Power Transfer
  5. Field along the axis of a circular coil carrying current-Stewart & Gee’s
  6. PN Junction Diode Characteristics
  7. Zener Diode –V-I Characteristics
  8. Zener Diode as a voltage regulator
  9. Transistor CE Characteristics- Determination of hybrid parameters
  10. Logic Gates- OR,AND,NOT and NAND gates. Verification of Truth
  11. Verification of De Morgan’s
  12. Construction of Half adder and Full adders-Verification of truth tables




  • Assignments (in writing and doing forms on the aspects of syllabus content and outside the syllabus content. Shall be individual and challenging)
  • Student seminars (on topics of the syllabus and related aspects (individual activity))
  • Quiz (on topics where the content can be compiled by smaller aspects and data (Individuals or groups as teams)
  • Field studies (individual observations and recordings as per syllabus content and related areas (Individual or team activity)
  • Study projects (by very small groups of students on selected local real-time problems pertaining to syllabus or related areas. The individual participation and contribution of students shall be ensured (team activity)


  • Group Discussion
  • Visit to Research Stations/laboratories and related industries
  • Others


Some of the following suggested assessment methodologies could be adopted;

  • The oral and written examinations (Scheduled and surprise tests),
  • Practical assignments and laboratory reports,
  • Observation of practical skills,
  • Efficient delivery using seminar presentations,
  • Viva voce