Computer Fundamentals and Photoshop

By | October 20, 2019

Computer characteristics and Imitations

Definition: Computer is an electronic device. Which can take raw data as input and process it and produce the result as output and store the result for future use.


A computer has four functions:

  1. Accepts data                        Input
  2. Processes data                    Processing
  3. Produces output                Output
  4. Stores results                      Storage


  • Computer performs calculations at a greater speed when compared with other calculating devices.
  • Normal person may have taken a few minutes to calculate the operation, but in the case of computer system it can perform operations within seconds.
  • The computer has units of speed in microsecond, nanosecond and even the pico-seconds.


  • In addition to being very fast, computers are very accurate.
  • The computer has performed calculations 100% error free.
  • Computers perform all jobs with 100% accuracy.
  • If the input data is wrong, then the output will also be wrong. It is called as Garbage-In, Garbage-Out (GIGO).

Data Storage

  • Computer has large storage capacity, which is called as memory.
  • It can store large amount of data and instructions in its memory.
  • Memory is a very important characteristic of computers.
  • It can store any type of data such as images, videos, text, audio and any other type.


  • Unlike humans, computers never get tired of a repetitive task.
  • It can continually work for hours without creating errors.


  • It is the ability to perform many operations without getting any tired.
  • This machine can be used to solve the problems relating to various different fields.
  • For Example, computers are used for home purpose, business-purpose, teaching, railways, banking, and medicine and so on.


  • Computers provide powerful security for information or data.
  • The data which is stored computers with password cannot be opened by others, until and unless the password is correct.


  • A Computer can perform a task without any user’s involvement.
  • The user just assign the task into the computer, it works automatically without any user involvement until the completion of task.

i)No intelligent quotient (IQ):

  • Computers do not have any IQ. So it will not take any own decision.
  • Computer should be instructed by user “WHAT TO DO AND HOW TO DO”.


  • Everyone is using computer in place of human beings.
  • By replacing computers economy will be reduced, work becomes fast with accuracy.
  • In INDIA and CHINA the population become very high and at the same time men power is reduced because of computers.
  • So that unemployment becomes a problem.

iii)Health problem:

  • Today, most of the people are using computers regularly.
  • By this there may be a chance of getting health problems like eye – sight, back pains, neck problems, etc.

iv)Increases piracy:

  • Today, computers usage has been growing heavy and it can’t afford to buy original software’s, movies etc. then it leads to piracy.
  • Even today computers are also used in documents, and currency developing duplicate certificates, revenue stamps important documents, and currency.
  1. Explain the block diagram of computers? (OR)

        Explain the logical organization of a digital computer. (OR)

        Explain functional units of digital computers. (OR)

Definition: Computer is an advanced electronic device that takes raw data as input from the user and processes these data and gives the result (output) and saves output for the future use. It can process both numerical and non-numerical (arithmetic and logical) calculations.

A general purpose computer has three main components. They are

  1. Input unit
  2. Central processing unit (C. P. U )
  3. Out Put Unit

Input unit:  The units which are used to feed or give data are known as “INPUT UNITS”.

Ex: – Key board, Mouse, Joystick, CD, DVD, Scanner, Floppy, etc.

C.P.U: C.P. U stands for “Central Processing Unit”. This is used to process the data, process the instructions which are given by the user. C.P.U has mainly three units. They are

  1. M.M.U (Main memory Unit )
  2. C.U ( Control Unit )
  3. A.L.U ( Arithmetic & Logical unit)

M.M.U:- “M.M.U” stands for “Main memory Unit”. This is used to store data. M.M.U is also known as “primary memory”. Primary memory means, for the first time data will be stored in M.M.U. M.M.U have mainly two types of memories.

  1. ROM (Read Only Memory)
  2. RAM (Random access Memory)

C.U:- C.U stands for “control Unit” This is used to control the input and output along with the processing of the computer. This is the main part of the computer. C.U is also called as Heart of the computer.

  1. L.U:- A.L.U stands for “Arithmetic & Logical Unit” This is used to perform all types of calculations like arithmetic, scientific and logical calculations.

Output unit: The units which are used to get or extract the result from the given data are known as OUTPUT UNITS.

Ex: – Monitor Printer, CD, DVD, Floppy, etc.