By | September 28, 2021

B COM(General and Computer Applications)


Domain Subject: Commerce

Semester-wise Syllabus under CBCS (w.e.f. 2020-21 Admitted Batch)


Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

  • Understand different forms of
  • Comprehend the nature of Joint Stock Company and formalities to promote a Company.
  • Describe the Social Responsibility of Business towards
  • Critically examine the various organizations of the business firms and judge the best amongthem.
  • Design and plan to register a business Prepare different documents to register a company at hisown.
  • Articulate new models of


Unit-I –Introduction Concepts of Business, Trade, Industry and Commerce: Business – Meaning, Definition, Features and Functions of Business – Trade Classification – Aids to Trade – Industry Classification and Commerce – Factors Influencing the Choice of Suitable form of Organization

Unit–II– Forms of Business Organizations:

Features, Merits and Demerits of Sole Proprietor Ship and Partnership Business – Features Merits and Demits of Joint Stock Companies – Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) – Multinational Corporations (MNCs)- Differences between Private Limited Public Limited Company

Unit-III –Company Incorporation:

Preparation of Important Documents for Incorporation of Company – Certificate of Incorporation and Certificate of Commencement of Business – Contents of Memorandum and Articles of Association – Contents of Prospectus


Meaning Characteristics – Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management – Administration Vs Management – Levels of Management

Unit-V-Functions of Management:

Different Functions of Management – Meaning – Definition – Characteristics Merits and Demits of Planning – Principles of Organisation – Line and staff of Organisation.

Reference Books:

  1. Industrial Organization and Management,C.B.Guptha, Sultan
  2. Business Organization – C.D.Balaji and G. Prasad, Margham Publications,Chennai.
  3. Business Organization -R.K.Sharma and Shashi K Gupta,
  4. Business Organization & Management: Sharma Shashi Gupta, KalyaniPublishers
  5. Business Organization & Management: C.R. Basu, Tata McGrawHill
  6. Business Organization & Management: M.C. Shukla Chand,
  7. Business Organisation and Management, Dr.NeeruVasishth, Tax
  8. Business Organisation and Management, Dr B E V L Naidu, Seven Hills International Publishers,Hyderabad

Suggested Co-Curricular Activities:

  •  Book Reading
  •  Student Seminars, Debates   Quiz Programmes
  •  Assignments
  • Co-operative learning
  •  Individual / Group Field Studies
  • Group Discussions on problems relating to topics covered by syllabus    Collecting prospectus of different companies through media
  • Collection of news reports and maintaining a record of paper-cuttings relating to topics covered in syllabus
  • Talk on current affairs about business, industry etc.
  • Simple project work on development of Certificate of Incorporation, Prospectus and Certificate of commencement of business
  • Biography of well-known management thinkers and managers of gigantic Companies
  • Examinations (Scheduled and surprise tests)