AKNU Third Semester Physics important Questions

By | April 16, 2022

AKNU Third Semester Physics important Questions


  1. What is the maxwell’s law of distribution of molecular speeds in a gas? Describe the experiment to prove it.
    (Tooth wheel experiment).
  2. Define coefficient of viscosity on the basis of kinetic theory gases. Derive an expression for the coefficient of
  3. Define coefficient of thermal conductivity on the basis of kinetic theory gases. Derive an expression for the
    coefficient of thermal conductivity.
  4. Define coefficient of diffusion on the basis of kinetic theory gases. Derive an expression for the coefficient of
  5. Describe the caront’s engine and its working. Derive an expression for its efficiency.
  6. State and prove Carnot’s theorem.
  7. What is T-S Diagram. Derive an expression of efficiency of a Caront’s engine using T-S diagram.
    Write the uses of T-S diagram.
  8. Describe the change in entropy in reversible and irreversible process.
  9. Define four thermodynamic potentials and use them to derive maxwell’s thermodynamic equations.
  10. Explain the Joule -Kelvin effect. Derive expression for Joule – Kelvin effect for an Ideal gas. .
  11. Define molar specific heats.
    Derive an expression for the difference of two specific heats (𝐶p− 𝐶v = 𝑅)
    Derive an expression for the ratio of two specific heats (𝐶p/𝐶v = y)
  12. Explain the Joule Kelvin or Joule Thomoson effect. Describe porus plug experiment and write its results (OR)
    Derive an expression for Joule-Thomson cooling.
  13. Explain necessary theory the adiabatic demagnetization method for producing very low temperature.
  14. Derive Plank’s formula for distribution of energy and deduce Raleigh – Jeans law as a special case of Plank’s law.
  15. Define solar constant. Explain how it is determined experimentally (OR) Explain Angstrom’s pyroheliometer.
    5 Marks
  16. Explain and derive the free mean path equation of a gas.
  17. Explain various types of Transport phenomena
  18. Derive the equation for Relation between coefficient of viscosity & coefficient of thermal conductivity.
  19. Derive the equation for Relation between coefficient of viscosity & coefficient of diffusion
  20. Derive work done by an ideal gas in isothermal and adiabatic process.
  21. Explain reversible and irreversible process.
  22. State and explain the second law of thermodynamics (Kelvin & clausius).
  23. Derive an expression for the change in entropy when a substance undergoes change of state (ice changes to into
  24. Explain about entropy and its physical interpretation.
  25. Distinguish between isothermal and adiabatic process.
  26. Problems
  27. Derive Classius – Clayperon equation and write its applications.
  28. Explain the Joule -Kelvin effect.
  29. Problem
  30. Give the applications or properties of low temperature. (M-6Q-71P)
  31. Distinguish between adiabatic expansion and Joule –Thomson expansion. (M-4Q-71P)
  32. Problems (72 page- 1,3 Questions)
  33. Explain energy distribution in a black body radiation and its characteristics.
  34. How do you estimate the temperature of the sun? .
  35. Explain about black body and ferry’s black body.
  36. Define Kirchoff’s law, Stefan’s law, Wien’s displacement law and Rayleigh Jeans law.
  37. Problems