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I Semester /Botany Core Course – 1

I Semester /Botany Core Course – 1

Fundamentals of Microbes and Non-vascular Plants (Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, Lichens, Algae and Bryophytes) (Total hours of teaching – 60 @ 04 Hrs./Week)


Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:

Explain origin of life on the earth.

Illustrate diversity among the viruses and prokaryotic organisms and cancategorize them.

Classify fungi, lichens, algae and bryophytes based on their structure,reproduction and life cycles.

Analyze and ascertain the plant disease symptoms due to viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Recall and explain the evolutionary trends among amphibians of plant kingdom fortheir shift to land habitat.

Evaluate the ecological and economic value of microbes, thallophytes and bryophytes.


Unit – 1: Origin of life and Viruses                                                  12Hrs.

  1. Origin of life, concept of primary Abiogenesis; Miller and Urey experiment. Five kingdom classification of R.H. Whittaker
  2. Discovery of microorganisms, Pasteur experiments, germ theory of
  3. Shape and symmetry of viruses; structure of TMV and Gemini virus; multiplication of TMV; A brief account of Prions and
  4. A general account on symptoms of plant diseases caused by Viruses. Transmission of plant viruses and their
  5. Significance of viruses in vaccine production, bio-pesticides and as cloning vectors.

Unit – 2: Special groups of Bacteria and Eubacteria                         12Hrs.

  1. Brief account of Archaebacteria, Actinomycetes and
  2. Cell structure and nutrition of
  3. Reproduction- Asexual (Binary fission and endospores) and bacterial recombination (Conjugation, Transformation, Transduction).
  4. Economic importance of Bacteria with reference to their role in Agriculture and industry (fermentation and medicine).
  5. A general account on symptoms of plant diseases caused by Bacteria; Citrus canker.

Unit – 3: Fungi & Lichens                                                                           12 Hrs.

  1. General characteristics of fungi and Ainsworth classification (up to classes).
  2. Structure, reproduction and life history of(a)Rhizopus (Zygomycota) and (b) Puccinia (Basidiomycota).
  3. Economic uses of fungi in food industry, pharmacy and agriculture.
  4. A general account on symptoms of plant diseases caused by Fungi; Blast of
  5. Lichens- structure and reproduction; ecological and economic

Unit – 4: Algae                                                                                             12 Hrs.

  1. General characteristics of Algae (pigments, flagella and reserve food material); Fritsch classification (up to classes).
  2. Thallus organization and life cycles in
  3. Occurrence, structure, reproduction and life cycle of (a) Spirogyra

(Chlorophyceae) and (b) Polysiphonia (Rhodophyceae).

  1. Economic importance of

Unit – 5: Bryophytes                                                                                   12 Hrs.

  1. General characteristics of Bryophytes; classification up to
  2. Occurrence, morphology, anatomy, reproduction (developmental details are not needed) and life cycle of (a) Marchantia (Hepaticopsida) and (b) Funaria (Bryopsida).
  3. General account on evolution of sporophytes in

Text books:

Botany – I (Vrukshasastram-I) : Telugu Akademi, Hyderabad

New Central Book Agency Pvt. Ltd., KolkataBhattacharjee, R.N., (2017) Introduction to Microbiology and Microbial Diversity, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.

Books for Reference:

Dubey, R.C. &D.K.Maheswari (2013) A Text Book of Microbiology,S.Chand& Company Ltd., New Delhi

Pelczar Jr., M.J., E.C.N. Chan &N.R.Krieg (2001)Microbiology, Tata McGraw- HillCo, New Delhi

Presscott, L. Harley, J. and Klein, D. (2005)Microbiology, 6th edition, TataMcGraw –Hill Co. New Delhi.

Alexopoulos, C.J., C.W.Mims&M.Blackwell (2007) IntroductoryMycology,Wiley& Sons, Inc., New York

Mehrotra, R.S. & K. R. Aneja (1990)An Introduction to Mycology. New Age International Publishers, New Delhi

Kevin Kavanagh (2005) Fungi ; Biology and Applications John Wiley &Sons, Ltd.,West Sussex, England

John Webster & R. W. S. Weber (2007) Introduction toFungi,Cambridge University Press, New York

Fritsch, F.E. (1945)The Structure & Reproduction of Algae (Vol. I &Vol. II)Cambridge UniversityPress Cambridge, U.K..

Bold, H.C. & M. J. Wynne (1984)Introduction to the Algae, Prentice-Hall Inc.,New Jersey

Robert Edward Lee (2008)Phycology. Cambridge University Press, New York

Van Den Hoek, C., D.G.Mann&H.M.Jahns (1996)Algae : An Introduction

to Phycology. Cambridge University Press, New York Shaw, A.J.&B.Goffinet (2000)Bryophyte Biology.Cambridge University Press,

New York.

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